Refill Instructions for Fill-In cartridges Epson T1281, T1282, T1283, T1284
Please mind that you generally have to exchange the whole cartridge set.
For refilling you need the following tools:
- 4 refill syringes with needles
- 12 ml ink each (black, cyan, magenta, yellow)
- paper towel or newsprint as underlay
Preparation for refilling:

Take the cartridge as picture 1 shows. At first you need to identify the filler opening for ink. It is closed with a sealing plug that is coloured or colourless (depending on the cartridge type). Below this plug is a big ink champer in which you fill in the ink. Below the other plug is a detailed system of chambers. These are not for ink! You need to remove this plug later, because it works as a vent hole during printing. Now pull out the sealing plug of the filler opening.
Depending on the cartridge type there is a difference in the position of the openings. Make sure that you have removed the right plug.
How to refill Fill In cartridges Epson T1281 – T1284:
Take a prepared syringe and insert the needle into the cartridge as picture 2 shows. Inside the cartridge are plastic foils. Make sure not to damage them. Now fill in ink until the ink has reached the maximum filling level marked in picture 3.
After you have refilled the cartridge close the filler opening with the sealing plug that you removed before and remove the other plug. It is the vent hole for pressure compensation during printing.

After refilling:

When inserting the cartridges back into the printer make sure to do it in the correct order. First the yellow cartridge, then magenta, afterwards cyan and last black. Make sure that the sealing cap locks above the cartridges.
Also make sure, that the plugs of the vent holes are removed at all cartridges. Otherwise you can not start printing.
The manufacturer and Octopus Office GmbH cannot be held liable for any damage caused by improper or wrong refilling. The ink is water-based and the bottles can be rinsed out and disposed into the recycling bin. Syringes and needles (with protective cap!) are non-recyclable waste. Of course, we also take back empty bottles and supplies. Please keep out of the reach of children! If stored correctly, the ink is useable up to 3 years.
Functionality of the Auto-Reset-Chip at these Epson cartridges:
The Fill-In cartridges for Epson T0711- T0714 are equipped with a Auto-Reset-Chip. This chip resets itself automatically, when the ink filling level sinks below a certain amount. The printer than recognises the cartridge as "full" even if it was not refilled. Therefore it is important that you check the filling level with visual control which is easy because the cartridges are transparent.
Another way to reset the filling level is a "Hard-Reset". For that open the cover of the printer so that you could remove the cartridges. Now remove the printer from the electrical grid by pulling the plug. When you afterwards connect the power plug again the printer recognises the cartridges as "full".
With some printers or firmware versions it is possible to reset the cartridges by simply removing and reinserting them into the printer. Sadly that does not work with all printer models.