Invisible inks for Brother and Epson inkjet printer, fluorescent under UV light
There are invisible printer inks available made by Octopus Fluids®, which shine fluorescent white, blue, red or yellow if they are exposed to UV light. These invisible printer inks are suitable to be used in regular desktop inkjet printers working with piezo print head technology. The best solution is to choose a printer model for that alternative, refillable cartridges are available. In this combination the print of invisible markings or numbers for example becomes really easy.
Benefit from our instructions regarding the invisible printer ink product series and their uses plus different applications. There are different invisible inks available for Epson and Brother desktop inkjet printers. We tell you which characteristics your printer has to have to be suitable to print with our invisble printer inks. Beside the decision for the right printer model it is also necessary to prepare the chosen printer for printing with the invisble inks - we describe how to do so.
Printing texts with the invisible printer inks is quite easy to accomplish. Printing picture is a different story, the picture has to be adjusted to meet the special characteristics of the invisible. For that we also provide You a clear step by step instruction for optaining the best results.