Refill instruction Lexmark E-120

Please read this instruction carefully before you start refilling. When refilling toner cartouches we generally recommend our customers to wear latex gloves and a fine dust mask.

Preparation for refilling toner cartouche Lexmark E-120:

Put the toner cartouche Lexmark E-120 on the table in front of you.Pull out the closing plug (marked in pict. 1). Before refilling toner cartouche Lexmark E-120, you have to remove the old toner powder. Pour the old toner into a plastic bag or exhaust it with an aspirator for toner powders. The old toner powder has other chemical characteristics than the new one because of the frequent heating and cooling.

Refilling of toner cartouche Lexmark E-120:

Fill the new toner powder into the toner cartouche (pict. 2). A funnel on the toner bottle makes it easier for you to refill the cartouche. Please reinsert the closing plug when you have finished refilling.

Chip exchange on toner cartouche Lexmark E-120:Chiptausch an der Tonerkartusche Lexmark E-120:

The toner cartouche is equipped with a toner chip which you have to change after each refill. Release the screw (pict. 3), which fixes the chip. Take off the toner chip and replace it with the new one (pict. 4). Now, your cartouche is refilled correctly and the chip is renewed. You can put it back into your printer.

It may happen that the photo conductor drum of your cartouche starts to print out stripes or a grey film after 2 to 3 refills. In this case, it is exhausted. For changing the photo conductor drum, you have to deconstruct the cartouche. We may also include a rebuilt instruction in your delivery.

Safety instructions for the handling of refill toners

Refill toner and toner powder may cause serious health problems if not handled carefully. We recommend always using breathing protection or suction chambers while filling toner cartridges. Furthermore, toner powder and refill toner can be highly flammable with an appropriate oxygen mixture.  Please note as well, that you should touch the photoconductor drum in no case or expose it to direct sunlight. This could lead to faulty print-outs. Octopus Office will not take any responsibility for success or failure of the described procedure.

Funnel for Toner Powder, Toner Refills
Funnel for Toner Powder, Toner Refills
Toner Funnel for well-directed refills of Uninet Toner Powder.
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