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Set di chip autoreset per Canon PGI-525, CLI-526

25,95 € *

Prezzi incl. IVA più spese di spedizione

Pronto per la consegna, tempi di consegna ca. 1-2 giorni**

  • ARCCA525S
  • 4250797215514
In case your printer cartridge is running out of ink the chip records that and you cannot refill...di più
In case your printer cartridge is running out of ink the chip records that and you cannot refill your cartridge without changing your chip, too. This is why we offer you these replacement chips.

This set includes the following auto-reset chips:

1 x auto reset chip for Canon PGI-525BK
1 x auto reset chip for Canon CLI-526BK
1 x auto reset chip for Canon CLI-526C
1 x auto reset chip for Canon CLI-526M
1 x auto reset chip for Canon CLI-526Y

Just replace the original chip with our replacement-chip by plugging it into the same location. Now you can refill your ink cartridge as much as you want without any further need to change the chip after every refilling. The estimated operating time is 2 years. The reset starts automatically after plugging in the chip.

There is no need to change all the auto-reset chips in one step. It also works in combination with the original chips which are still in usage. Please pay attention that you do not disconnect the printer from the power supply; otherwise the level indicator may not work correctly any more. Shutting down the printer has no influence.

This product was not produced by the original manufacturer of the printer. All trademarks, trade names or service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only.

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Siringhe per ricarica Softmatik (10 pz.) Siringhe per ricarica Softmatik (10 pz.)
Contenuto: 10 Stück (1,10 € / 1 Stück)
10,95 € *
Inchiostri di ricarica per Canon PGI-520, PGI-525, CLI-521, CLI-526 5x Inchiostri di ricarica per Canon PGI-520, PGI-525, CLI-521, CLI-526 5x
Contenuto: 0.5 Liter (65,90 € / 1 Liter)
32,95 € *
Tappo chiudente per cartucce HP 23, HP 25, HP 41, HP 78 Tappo chiudente per cartucce HP 23, HP 25, HP 41, HP 78
Contenuto: 100 Stück (0,14 € / 1 Stück)
14,25 € *
10x 4,1 mm Tappo chiudente per cartucce Epson,HP e Canon, black 10x 4,1 mm Tappo chiudente per cartucce Epson,HP e Canon, black
Contenuto: 10 Stück (0,51 € / 1 Stück)
5,06 € *
Siringhe con aghi per ricarica (5 pz.) Siringhe con aghi per ricarica (5 pz.)
Contenuto: 5 Stück (1,35 € / 1 Stück)
6,75 € *
Aghi per ricarica  40mm, 70mm, 120mm (10 pz.) Aghi per ricarica 40mm, 70mm, 120mm (10 pz.)
Contenuto: 10 Stück (0,34 € / 1 Stück)
3,37 € *
Pulitore ugello per la pulizia della testina di stampa Pulitore ugello per la pulizia della testina di stampa
Contenuto: 0.1 Liter (79,50 € / 1 Liter)
7,95 € *
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